WhiteBox technology has been successfully used in a number of public events and exciting new forms of promotion and animation.
Thanks to the WhiteBox platform, brain activity or other biometric data can be attractively displayed to the participants of events and they can use the power of their minds to control games, gadgets and other objects in both physical and digital environments.
As part of Ljubljana Green Capital 2016 events, people were able to pour water with the power of the mind. The more their brain was able to concentrate, the quicker the people filled their glass. We are proud to have provided the technology behind this innovative promotion for sustainable use of natural resources.
Using EEG brain-imaging technology, the emotional response to 14 samples of the famous Carniolan Sausage (or Krainer Wurst) was recorded. The highest overall pleasure level based on our emotional valence metric determined the best sausage at the traditional annual Carniolan Sausage festival.
Samsung hired us to bring a breath of fresh air to their promotional events for the S7 mobile phone launch. Participants of the event tried to focus on the new phone while their brain activity was measured. The ones that were able to focus the most earned discounts for the purchase of the new device.
PartnerExtrem experience marketingServicesNeuroeventsYear2015Linkextrem.si